I am in the process of moving into an apartment in Honolulu and I just thought I would browse through the Antiques section of the Honolulu Craigslist. I was actually searching for antique colored glass bottles of different shapes and sizes and came across an ad for a Bible from the year 1888! The ad for the Bible said it was purchased from a George V. Jones of Boston, Massachusetts. They paid $1.00 for 12 months and the original receipt was still tucked inside the Bible.
Talk about history! There is a family tree written inside this Bible, written about the Andrew McIntire family. What a great find this would be for someone researching the McIntire family tree. Born 1835. The Bible is called "The Parallel Bible" and also includes a Biblical dictionary, Cities of the Bible, and illustrations. The Bible is not fully intact and is in fact missing the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The rest of the books seem to be intact except for those three mentioned. The Bible also includes a Chronological Index and 1000 Questions and Answers of the Old and New Testaments.
The person who wrote the ad goes on to say that there were also a few family pictures that were taken back then of the McIntire family. "The reading is so interesting you can read for hours. The cover is intact and is almost like an old leather."
Location: Mililani, Hawaii
Price- $300
I hope this post helps someone that is searching for this particular family in their research. What a great find! I would love to find something like this as it relates to my own family!
Image Source: Parallel Bible Of 1884
Talk about history! There is a family tree written inside this Bible, written about the Andrew McIntire family. What a great find this would be for someone researching the McIntire family tree. Born 1835. The Bible is called "The Parallel Bible" and also includes a Biblical dictionary, Cities of the Bible, and illustrations. The Bible is not fully intact and is in fact missing the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The rest of the books seem to be intact except for those three mentioned. The Bible also includes a Chronological Index and 1000 Questions and Answers of the Old and New Testaments.
The person who wrote the ad goes on to say that there were also a few family pictures that were taken back then of the McIntire family. "The reading is so interesting you can read for hours. The cover is intact and is almost like an old leather."
Location: Mililani, Hawaii
Price- $300
I hope this post helps someone that is searching for this particular family in their research. What a great find! I would love to find something like this as it relates to my own family!
Image Source: Parallel Bible Of 1884
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